Macc is committed to the principles of personalisation (also known as "Self-Directed Support"). Early in 2008, Macc circulated a discussion paper about Self-Directed Support and Individual Budgets, highlighting some of the implications for provider organisations.
We continue to press the City Council and local NHS to consider co-produced approaches to services using personalisation as the vehicle to enable users to shape their own services.
We want to get voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector organisations together to think about what it means for them. This will then lead to a discussion with the Local Authority about how we can work together to make sure that VCSE organisations are able to offer the kinds of support service users want. We don’t have all the answers, but it’s important that we start considering the changes ahead.
Further information
In Control - this is the organisation which is driving much of the development of personalisation nationally. A good place to start if you are new to this agenda. Their website includes a library section which is a great resource.
• In Control website
Care Services Improvement Partnership - this is an agency of the Department of Health which delivers development support to Local Authorities and the NHS in driving change in health and social care.
• Individual Budgets pilot programme
• Personalisation Toolkit - aimed at Local Authorities, but a useful source of information about the kinds of practical challenges introducing personalisation creates.
• National Brokerage Network - this has been set up to share information about the development of brokerage. It is building up a membership of people who provide brokerage.